
普巴金刚法牌之利益略述 : 1. 遮止邪师恶咒与诅咒 2. 遮止罗喉星宿之障碍 ( 能致中风等症 ) 3. 遮止大小魔障 4. 遮止地震 , 水风火灾 5. 遮止夭亡之障碍 6. 遮止魂魄散失之障碍 7. 遮止无端官符之灾 8. 遮止口舌是非之障碍 9. 遮止外国入侵之祸乱   10. 遮止恶世乱相之显现 11. 遮止疾病瘟疫之漫延 12. 遮止战争祸乱 之发生 13. 遮止农作物之种种灾害 14. 遮止小偷强盗劫夺财富之灾 15. 遮止家中鬼神作障之灾 16. 遮止婴灵小鬼等之障碍 17. 遮止祖先坟地风水所致的灾祸 18. 遮止生辰流年之灾祸 19. 遮止身心之痛苦与烦恼   20. 遮止事业上变动不定的障碍 21. 遮止毒害之灾 , 等等

The Vajra Kilaya possesses the capability :
1. To cure the mental and brain diseases.
2. To cure all unknown diseases and cancers caused by evil spirit,demons,nagas,local deities,gods and ghost....etc.
3. To refrain from accidents cause. Caused by yearly,monthly,daily or timing bad fortune.
4. To refrain from natural disasters such as floods,fires,earth quakes caused by celestial changes.
5. To prevent from the damages caused by others's cursing.
6. To eliminate the obstacles of lives.
结缘价: RM50.00(免快递费)
请联络: HP 016-4920208
电邮/ email: thaiamulet88@gmail.com